
Dwarka is designed to work both as a display and body font so it works well both in titles and in
body text. The font sets out to provide a Punjabi likeness of Gujarati in the same way that Tsheg sets out to do the
same with Tibetan.
This font has a set of glyphs in the ASCII range that are all 'straight-tail'. The glyphs in the Gurmukhi range are
also all 'straight-tail' if your image processor/word processor doesn't support the advanced typography features of
TrueType fonts. However, if your program does support them, the Gurmukhi/Unicode glyphs all spontaneously turn into the
'curved tail' variants that is one of the characteristics of Gujarati.
Like the 'Full' and 'Dekho' fonts, longer Ek Onkar figures care produced by typing a Gurmukhi one then an oorda
of some type followed by a tippee - see the notes for Dekho below for the details.
Dwarka has Latin number characters in the ASCII range so, if you are using ASCII characters instead of using Gurmukhi
Unicode and you want to have the Gurmukhi number characters then all you have to do is type two has marks adter the digit, so
in order to get a Gurmukhi six, all you type is '6##' as in the image on the right.
All of the image work is done with the free software 'The GIMP';
Examples of artwork with Dwarka . . .
click on the images to open them up full-sized in another tab...
Hover the mouse over the images below to show examples of the font on book covers
Hover the mouse over the images below to show examples of font characters and weights
Download Dwarka
Have you got the latest version of one of these fonts? If you have just downloaded it from this site, you have. Otherwise, you can check any font file by comparing the hash function results of the file on your computer with
the values in the list by clicking here for text file and here for a web page - opens in a new tab. Select
the font file on your system and look at the properties. Compare the hash result against the values in the table. These pages are kept up-to-date so whenever I update a font or create a new one, it will be on there.
Download All Fonts
You can download all of the fonts from all of the font families on this site in one compressed archive by clicking here for a ZIP file
or here for a TAR.GZ file
If you want to make a contribution directly using PayPal, my email address is paul.alan.grosse@gmail.com and please include your name and if relevant, your company and the project so that they can be included on the
contributors page with a link if appropriate.
To see a list of contributors, click here.
Thank you.