Here are some of my fonts that have been used in over 200 Punjabi films and associated publicity over the years
Note that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, some of the years may be those that were originally intended and some may be those when it was eventually released.
Some films were released online and are due to be re-released in the cinemas at a later date and you can see from the screen aspect ratios that there were a number of these that were related to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Therefore, the dates of films from 2020 and 2021 are ast best, 'nominal'.
Click on the font name to be taken to that font family's page.
Have you got the latest version of one of these fonts? If you have just downloaded it from this site, you have. Otherwise, you can check any font file by comparing the hash function results of the file on your computer with
the values in the list by clicking here for text file and here for a web page - opens in a new tab. Select
the font file on your system and look at the properties. Compare the hash result against the values in the table. These pages are kept up-to-date so whenever I update a font or create a new one, it will be on there.
Download All Fonts
You can download all of the fonts from all of the font families on this site in one compressed archive by clicking here for a ZIP file
or here for a TAR.GZ file
If you want to make a contribution directly using PayPal, my email address is and please include your name and if relevant, your company and the project so that they can be included on the
contributors page with a link if appropriate.
To see a list of contributors, click here.
Thank you.