Links . . .
The Internet would be but nothing if it wasn't for websites linking to others so, on this page, I have some interesting sites that are related to Gurmukhi that I have found/had pointed out to me and, at the bottom of the page, there are some icons and code that you can use to link to this site from yours if you want something more than just a text link.
I don't make any money from advertising on this site - my only income from it is the contributions that people make and people voluntarily paying for licensing for the fonts that I design - they are used in many films and on many books - see the contributions page. Other than that, it only costs me my time and the overheads of running a webserver and an internet connection.
However, I have extended my Gurmukhi-related creativity into some areas that some of you might be interested in for various reasons. One thing I noticed when I started learning Punjabi and Gurmukhi was that there is precious little in the way of resources out there - hence supplying PDFs on this site. However, not everybody has the opportunity to make their own flash cards so, after a few years of looking around the internet, I have come across a POD games site that will do it for you and as a result, you can buy two packs that together make a complete set of cards, including the vowels as well as the plain penti.
Also, I noticed that people were using a Devanagari-like font for tee shirts so I designed the Tsheg (pronounced 'Cheg') font and you can buy tee shirts with that on as well. If you don't see the name you want, let me know. So,
Buy Ready-made Gurmukhi Flashcards . . .
Gurmukhi Penti and numbers (Pack 1)
This is a pack of poker-card-sized cards with: the 35 letters of the penti on; the six paer-bindi forms; the ten numbers; and, two spares (we all know how annoying it is when you lose a card). It also contains a card with a sequence of letters on it that can be of assistance when assessing students' abilities to recognise and differentiate letters.
Vowels and other signs (Pack 2)
This pack contains: the dependent and indenpendent (based upon ਕ as usual) vowels (ie, for example ਈ and ਕੀ for each vowel); extra signs - bindi, tippi, adhak, and paer rarra, hahha and sassa; and seven examples of words, illustrating how these characters come together.
Together, the two packs make the first full set of Gurmukhi flask cards available on the Internet. The postage is through USPS and if you live in the USA, this should be affordable (I don't so I couldn't tell you what it is) but for overseas, it is rather large. I'm looking into alternative suppliers if the company doesn't give a cheaper alternative (I can get a torch sent to the UK from Hong Kong for less than GBP1.00 so we know it is possible). Still, have a look at them and if you don't like the postage options (they might have got better since I wrote this), just cancel the order.
Buy Childrens Punjabi folktales books . . .
Folk tales of the Punjab - click here.
These are beautifully produced 7" x 7" board books for children who are just starting out on reading.
They use the Raajaa font which is very legible and follows all of the rules.
They are in Punjabi, English and with a transliteration.
Produced by Gurmeet Kaur - visit the site by clicking the book image on the right.
Go for it.
Interesting Gurmukhi-topic-related sites . . .
SikhNet fonts page
Sikh Philosphy Network fonts page
Luc Devroye List of online fonts resources.
Punjabi unicode resources.
ਪੰਜਾਬ Underground ॥ blog. Click on the 2009 link to see the rest.
Omniglot - writing systems and languages of the world Gurmukhi page
Punjabi Computing Resource Centre Saab fonts page
Dead links... which is about Punjabi writing, uses Unicode fonts and has links to Unicode Gurmukhi font sites.
Article: 5 Most Popular Punjabi Fonts On The Web
McGill University, Computer Science - Montreal Canada. Pretty comprehensive list of Punjabi and other South Asian computing resources.
Blog - Punjabi fonts page
University of Derby Gurmukhi handwriting analysis - I wonder what they would think of mine?
Punjabi Vehle Net blog site.
Punjabi University Patiala font resources page
Woolwich Gurdwara
Computer Darpan
Sikhlink which, listed below 'lesson 7' and above 'Gurmukhi-1, uses copies of resource PDF files from my site, and the first pages of alphabet, vowels, numbers, handwritten and resources although the links within all of these pages link back to this site.
Sites that use my fonts in images . . .
Jasleen Kaur
Print media that use my fonts . . .
Des Pardes Weekly newspaper - advertisers use my fonts. Raj, Karmic Sanj fonts
For other media, look at the fonts in use pages.
Images and code for you to use if you want to link your site to this one . . .
Image server location: You can either:
| | use the code that is supplied; or, | If you use only the code, the image is stored on this site and you don't have to bother copying images because that is served from here. |
| | you can upload the image onto your server and link to that instead. | The problem with the latter is that you have to make sure that the code you use on your web page has the correct location for the image you have copied onto your website. Also, remember that the anchor href is not changed here, it is only the image location you need to change. |
Image type: I have created each image for a white background and also one that uses transparency - the latter will work on a site with any coloured background.
| White background | Coloured backgrounds |
Opaque image |  |  |  |
Transparent image |  |  |  |
You can see what the advantages are so pick an image that suits your site's background - anything other than white, go for the transparent one.
In short, it is easiest to use the code for the transparent-background image that links to the image on this server.
| Image | Code |
Links to the site |
T r a n s | |  | <a href="" title="Learn to read and write Gurmukhi for free" target="new"><img src="" width="163" height="132" border="0" alt="Learn to read and write Gurmukhi for free"></a> |
W h i t e | |  | <a href="" title="Learn to read and write Gurmukhi for free" target="new"><img src="" width="163" height="132" border="0" alt="Learn to read and write Gurmukhi for free"></a> |
Links to the fonts page |
T r a n s | |  | <a href="" title="Download Gurmukhi fonts for free" target="new"><img src="" width="122" height="109" border="0" alt="Download Gurmukhi fonts for free"></a> |
W h i t e | |  | <a href="" title="Download Gurmukhi fonts for free" target="new"><img src="" width="122" height="109" border="0" alt="Download Gurmukhi fonts for free"></a> |
T r a n s | |  | <a href="" title="Download Punjabi fonts for free" target="new"><img src="" width="153" height="91" border="0" alt="Download Punjabi fonts for free"></a> |
W h i t e | |  | <a href="" title="Download Punjabi fonts for free" target="new"><img src="" width="153" height="91" border="0" alt="Download Punjabi fonts for free"></a> |
T r a n s | |  | <a href="" title="Download Punjabi fonts for free" target="new"><img src="" width="156" height="96" border="0" alt="Download Punjabi fonts for free"></a> |
W h i t e | |  | <a href="" title="Download Punjabi fonts for free" target="new"><img src="" width="156" height="96" border="0" alt="Download Punjabi fonts for free"></a> |
T r a n s | |  | <a href="" title="Download Gurmukhi fonts for free" target="new"><img src="" width="143" height="80" border="0" alt="Download Gurmukhi fonts for free"></a> |
W h i t e | |  | <a href="" title="Download Gurmukhi fonts for free" target="new"><img src="" width="143" height="80" border="0" alt="Download Gurmukhi fonts for free"></a> |