Letters, row 6 - ਪ ਫ ਬ ਭ ਮ . . .
ਪ |
Again, ਪ ( ) is just a fast version of the Gurbani version of the letter, losing the corner in the bottom left. This makes it quick and easy to write and is still so close to the Gurbani version that you have probably already been writing it like this.
ਫ |
In the same way that ਜ ( ), ਦ ( ), ਢ ( ) and ਚ ( ) lose the corners on the righthand side so that they just become a smoothe semi-circle, ਫ ( ) does the same.
However, this takes some getting used to.
ਬ |
Babba doesn't need the line across the top and, to some extent, you would be creating an opportunity for confusion if you put it there.
ਬ ( ) can be confused with ਯ ( ) if you are not careful but also, make sure that you don't leave the top too open because then, you might confuse it with ਘ ( ).
ਭ |
Handwritten Bhabhaa is really just the same as if you were writing the Gurbani version of the letter - no need to finish off the top line though.
ਮ |
As has already been said, there is the potential for confusion between ਸ and ਮ.
If you look at ਮ on the left, you can see that it is basically an 'n' - there is no need to continue the right-hand line to the top bar as that part is reduntant (we are not drawing the tp bar unless we need to do there is no need to continue a line up to where it would be.
As has been said before, you need the line over the top of (ਸ) to differentiate it from (ਮ) as you can see in ਸਮਝਉਂਦੇ on the right.
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