Letters, row 4 - ਟ ਠ ਡ ਢ ਣ . . .
ਟ |
This is really just a very fast squiggle.
However, because ਣ ( ) (see below) is simplified, it is possible to confuse it with ਟ ( ).
Taking a closer look at them,  , you can see why. Just make sure that you use the line on ਣ ( ).
ਠ |
This is fairly straightforward and don't bother putting in the righthand part of the bar.
There is a possibility that you might confuse ਠ ( ) with ਫ ( ) so make sure that when you write ਠ ( ), you make the loop draws a large circle.
ਡ |
ਛ ( ) is pretty much, just a fast version of the Gurbani version of the letter. The corners are lost, giving it a nice smooth look.
However, it is possible to confuse ਛ ( ) with ਡ ( ).
Taking a closer look,  , just try to keep the loop bigger and the curve on the left, just above the loop, rounder.
ਢ |
Dhadhaa is one of a group of four letters that all have the same starting form: ਜ ( ), ਦ ( ), ਢ ( ) and ਚ ( ).
Looking at them in order shows how they are related, like so...
ਣ |
This is a letter that needs the bar across the top.
If you look at ਣ ( ), on the left, you can see how, once the bar is draw, the line underneath follows the rough path of the rather disjointed line that the Gurbani character follows.
Here, because of the simplicity of this letter, it is possible to confuse it with ਟ ( ) - this is where the line becomes necessary.
Looking closely at them,  , you can see why.
Copyright ©2007-2023 Paul Alan Grosse.