Letters, row 2 - ਕ ਖ ਗ ਘ ਙ . . .

Kakkaa is pretty much the same as the Gurbani form -  and ਕ.

One possible source of confusion is between ਕ, ਹ and ਰ (). If you don't make the loop at the bottom low enough, it will look like a ਰ () and if you don't make the loop return enough, it will look like a ਹ ()

ਖ () looks and is written pretty similarly to the way it is written when writing it Gurbani-style. The bottom-left is written more smoothly, a bit like a 'u' with a line across it.

ਗ () is an interesting one.

The logical reason for the kannaa being only half the height of the letters is so that you can tell whethere you have a gaggaa or a rarraa followed by a kannaa. However, when you are writing quickly, there isn't always the opportunity to make sure that the kannaa is only half the height.

When you want to write a gaggaa, you want to make it different. You can do this by linking the left and right hand parts of the gaggaa or by writing a line over the top. Both are done here like so... .

Just be careful to make sure that whatever you do, you are consistent and unambiguous.

If you look at the Gurbani-style aerdaa and ghaggaa - ਅ & ਘ - you will see that they are, in terms of shape, related similarly to the way that 'm' and 'w' (or 'n' and 'u') are. This is reflected in they way they are handwritten like so...  .

Ghaggaa starts off like a letter 'u' and then you have a bit of a squiggle - just to occupy the space and reduce any potiential for confusion.

You will hardly ever use but when you do, just make it look like this.

When writing, you can confuse  with  which is fairly easy to do when you start out writing it but you will come accross it so infrequently that it doesn't matter if you take a little longer to write it down.

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