Letters, row 5 - ਤ ਥ ਦ ਧ ਨ . . .

ਤ () again, is pretty much a fast version of the Gurbani version of the letter. The corners are lost, giving it a nice smooth look.

However, you can confuse ਤ () with ਡ () and ੜ ().

This how: is the way it should be; happens when you don't take the pen off at the end of writing if, say you are are writing something underneath; and, is a more extreme version of the sloppiness error.

Thatha - ਥ () is one of a pair of letters that are formed this way - the other being Dhadhaa - ਧ ().

These are fairly easy to write and they both start off with a single loop version of the second version of Babba

For Thatha, just add a second stroke like so....

Dadaa is one of a group of four letters that all have the same starting form: ਜ (), ਦ (), ਢ () and ਚ ().

Looking at them in order shows how they are related, like so...Gurmukhi - four letters with same root

After drawing the initial loop...

...continue the line straight down and add another line to the right*.

...continue the line down and then to the right.

...continue the line down, to the right and then loop it.

...continue the line down, to the right and then loop it up the the initial curve.

*This is not the same way as the method you have learned previously but it is logical and easy to do.

For Dhadhaa, see Thatha above .

Nnaannaa ਨ () takes a potentially complicated letter and turns it into just two strokes. The first starts off with all of the bar that you need - the left half - and then continues down to draw effectivley an elongated 'z'.

The right hand side starts half way down and continues to the bottom right. There is virtually nothing that you can confuse this with. .

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