Alphabet - ਪਹਿਲਾ

- ਧੱਦਾ - Dhaddaa - twenty-fourth letter of the Gurmukhi alphabet.

Name: Dhaddaa
Spelling: ਧੱਦਾ
Sound: 'dh' as the 'dh' in the words 'adhere' and 'birdhouse' when you say them out aloud although the tongue is tongue further forward so that it touches the tips of your teeth.
Type: Consonant

Mouth: Make a 'd' shape with your tongue but instead of the front of your tongue touching the tooth ridge, make the tip of your tongue touch the tips of your teeth. Allow air to get past thus aspirating the sound to get the 'dh' sound
Tongue: Make the tip of your tongue touch the tips of your teeth.
Soft Palette: blocking nose
Lips: apart
Vocal Chords: Used. Note that this letter requires you to raise the pitch of your voice when you say the letter. This (ਧ) is equivalent to ਦ੍ਹ. See Other Bits for more details.
Aspirated: yes

Confusion: ਪ ਧ ਯ ਖ ਥ
Reading: There are four letters like this that can be confused - look at where the horizontal bars are. You just have to learn them (although it doesn't take long):
ਪ (Pappaa) - no bars;
ਖ (Khakhaa) - lower bar only;
ਧ (Dhadhaa) - upper bar only;
ਥ (Thathaa) - both bars;
This is just a matter of getting used to it.
Another one to get it confused with is ਯ (Yaeya) but you can tell the difference by looking at the bottom-right.
Writing: Although you are less likely to make mistakes when writing, again, there are four letters like this that can be confused - look at where the horizontal bars are. You just have to learn them (although it doesn't take long):
ਪ (Pappaa) - no bars;
ਖ (Khakhaa) - lower bar only;
ਧ (Dhadhaa) - upper bar only;
ਥ (Thathaa) - both bars;
You have been warned.

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