ਓ ਕੋ - ਹੋੜਾ - Hordaa.

Name: Hordaa
Shape: ਓ ਕੋ
Spelling: ਹੋੜਾ
Drawing: ਓ This is the hordaa form of oordaa. You can see what a hordaa looks like on the kakkaa below-right and you know that an oordaa looks like this - ੳ. If you take the hordaa away from oordaa, you get this - ਓ.

ਕੋ When writing, make the hordaa curved to differentiate it from a slightly curved laanv (which you should be drawing straight any way). ਕੋ and ਕੇ are quite different when printed but when you write them, you can make them look different by using curved and straight lines respectively.

Sound: This one is the static 'oh' sound that you get at the beginning of 'oh' - that is to say that the 'w' part at the end of 'oh' is not used.
Duration: long

Copyright ©2007-2023 Paul Alan Grosse.