Gurmukhi Unicode Inscript Keyboard Layout . . .
This page shows you the Gurmukhi keyboard Inscript layout on an English keyboard. This one is for Windows and whilst the centre of the layout will be largely the same, some of the keys on your system might have different mappings such as on the left hand side of the numbers row, for example.
Once you have selected your Gurmukhi keyboard from the language button on the right of the taskbar, this is the mapping you will get.
Note that a blue key legends are the glyphs that appear attached to the previous character such as a paer character
¬ ੍ਹ |
1 ੍ਵ ੧ |
2 ੍ਯ ੨ |
3 ੍ਰ ੩ |
4 ੱ ੪ |
5 ੫ |
6 ੬ |
7 ੭ |
8 ੮ |
9 ੯ |
0 ੦ |
_ - |
+ = |
Bksp |
Tab |
Q ਔ ੌ |
W ਐ ੈ |
E ਆ ਾ |
R ਈ ੀ |
T ਊ ੂ |
Y ਭ ਬ |
U ਙ ਹ |
I ਘ ਗਗ਼ |
O ਧ ਦ |
P ਝ ਜਜ਼ |
[ ਢ ਡੜ |
] ਞ ਼ |
Caps |
A ਓ ੋ |
S ਏ ੇ |
D ਅ ੍ |
F ਇ ਿ |
G ਉ ੁ |
H ਫ ਪਫ਼ |
J ੜ ਰ |
K ਖ ਕਖ਼ |
L ਥ ਤ |
; ਛ ਚ |
' ਠ ਟ |
˜ # |
Shift |
\ |
Z |
X ਂ ੰ |
C ਣ ਮ |
V ਨ |
B ੲ ਵੳ |
N ਲ਼ ਲ |
M ਸ਼ ਸ |
, |
। .॥ |
ਯ |
Shift |
Ctl |
Flg |
Alt |
Space Bar |
Alt Gr |
Flg |
Men |
Ctl |
There are a number of points that are worthy of note:
- Microsoft has placed ready-made paer forms on the shifted number keys - other systems will probably be different;
- The paer-bindi forms are with their respective letters; and,
- You can type a Rdaardaa (ੜ) by pressing [Shift][J] and pressing [AltGr][ [ ] key to get it. You can also get it by pressing [ [ ] (ਡ) and then [ ] ] ( ਕ਼ - paer bindi), next to it - this latter method reflecting the Devanagari representation of this letter.

The Inscript layout follows the standard, very-easy-to-use, Dvorak-like layout with the middle-upper row pairs for the vowels on the left hand with shifts giving the carried forms (so the column [a]-[A]-[q]-[Q] [using ਛ as a carrier for an example] gives the ਛੋ-ਓ-ਛੌ-ਔ pair of hordaa-kanaurdaa with the other vowel pairs on the other left hand keys
with the columns:
- [A] - ਓ;
- [S] - ਏ;
- [D] - ਅ (no carried vowel form so key used for a virama);
- [F] - ਇ;
- [G] - ਉ;
; and,

shifts and middle-upper pairs for the middle five rows of the alphabet on the right hand (so [;]-[:]-[p]-[P] gives the alphabet row ਚ-ਛ-ਜ-ਝ and so on - the rows being in the order:
- [h]-ਪ;
- [j]-(this column ([J] and [U]) carries -ਹ and -ਰ; which look like [J]);
- [k]-ਕ;
- [l]-ਤ;
- [;]-ਚ; and,
- [']-ਟ.